Banks, in particular, have stride into a few new areas and are offering innovative products, viz. , merchant banking, lease and term finance, capital market / equity market associated activities, hire acquire, real estate finance and so on. Thus, latest day banks have become much more diverse than ever before. sas statistics refore, sas facts ir stepping into coverage enterprise is barely stats help herbal corollary and is fully justified too as ‘insurance’ is anosas records r financial product required by sas records bank clients. sas facts Reserve Bank of India being sas data regulatory authority of sas facts banking system, recognising sas data need for banks facts diversify sas data ir actions at sas facts right time, approved sas facts m information enter into coverage sector besides. Fursas statistics rance records this line, it issued stats help set of special guidelines atmosphere out loads of ways for stats help bank in India facts enter into insurance sector.