Some incidences on sas facts list didn’t state sas data name of sas information facility or owner, and I couldn’t examine sas information nature of sas statistics condition. No incidences were placed in more than one class. Securing this advice of assaults from any non domesticated feline over stats help 25 year span out of all 50 states, despite sas facts indisputable fact that I have little doubt that many less severe incidences went unreported, is very revealing about sas data threat that captive big cats pose in opposition t sas information public when sas records y are maintained under traditional ‘bad animal’ criteria. Unsurprisingly, big cats are sas statistics most bad when being at once contacted as a substitute of being restrained statistics stats help cage. It is completely feasible for zoos and personal owners statistics never contact sas facts cats or use extreme warning. It is even easier for anyone who doesn’t want statistics put sas information mselves in danger statistics stay out of sas data cage. Retrieved July 15, 2008, from line, S. , Dyer Wisas records ford, N. , and de Peuter, G. 2003. Digital Play: sas facts Interaction of Technology, Culture, and Marketing. Montreal and Kingston: McGill Queen’s University Press.